Knowing your customer identity eliminates risks, online frauds, and financial crimes. Verify Selfies, ID Documents.

Document Verification

We ensure a higher level of verification assurance with detailed customer attributes.

  • Personal Credentials (Name, Number, Disability, Blood Group, Hair Colour, Religion and more)
  • Nationality & Immigration Status (Residence Country, Place of Birth, Sponsor, Citizenship and more)
  • Identity Document Information (Tax Numbers, Health Number, Birth Certificate Number, Domiciles and more)
  • Employment & Business Registration (Employer ID, Registration Year, Permit Type, Invoice Details and more)
  • Government ID Card
  • Passports
  • Driving Licenses
  • Credit Cards / Debit Cards


Address Verification

Manage chargeback fraud and improve customer experience with verified addresses.
Conduct business without the threat of fraudsters or compliance fines with real-time address authentication.

  • Utility Bills
  • Bank Statement
  • ID Cards with Full Address
  • Licenses with details

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